Lat Pull Down device developed according to the latest technology on the market. Lat Pull Down is an exercise that develops the upper back muscles. The movement is completely biomechanical and convergent, which means that the movement completely follows the natural power angles of the human body.
Leg Curl device developed according to the latest technology on the market. Leg curl or leg bender is an exercise that develops the hamstrings. The movement is completely biomechanical, which means that the movement completely follows the natural power angles of the human body. Because of this technology there is less tension in the joints and the muscles work optimally…
Rear Delts machine developed according to the latest technology on the market. This device develops the upper back muscles and the pectoral muscles. The movement is completely biomechanical and convergent, which means that the movement completely follows the natural power angles of the human body.
Back extension for professional use. With This bench you train the big lower dorsal muscle. This is one of the most important exercises to strengthen the back. Together with the abdo bench, this is a very important exercise to prevent lower back pain and hernias. With this bench you train the back muscles in safety.